It’s amazing how memorable 2020 was. Whether we like it or not, we witnessed history; with the pandemic, the wildfires, the Black Lives Matter movement, 2020’s U.S. election and many other global events.
#Covid19 The Pandemic that changed our lives
COVID-19 is the first pandemic in over 100 years. There have been over 90 million cases, with around 1.94 million deaths. Most schools and businesses have closed and moved online, including Silver Oak. It has affected many countries around the world, but currently, vaccines are being developed and tested by companies such as Sorrento Therapeutics, ImmunoPrecise Antibodies, Roche, and others.
Funny fact - While we were trying to survive the pandemic, we also survived 2020’s Great Toilet Paper Crisis! Many people in the U.S. stocked up on toilet paper. The reason foe this still remains unknown.
#2020PresidentialElection The election that made history
The 2020 presidential election, President Trump vs. ex-Vice President Biden, was one of the longest in American history! After the counting of the votes, it was declared that Biden was the winner of the election with the most number of American votes in history, over 81 million! Another big thing that happened was Vice President Kamala Harris’ election as the first female and the first colored vice president. Her election was a big move forward for women’s rights, by showing that women could be elected as high officials in the U.S. government. Most Americans mailed their votes, due to concerns with the coronavirus.
Did you know? This presidential election was one of the most expensive in history, costing almost 14 billion dollars, almost twice as much as the previous election!
#Blacklivesmatter The fight for equality
Another big event that happened in 2020 and is still continuing is the Black Lives Matter movement. After 3 police officers killed George Floyd, protests have been sparked all over the country. Since before George Washington, black people have been discriminated unfairly. Many people around the world have worked hard to end racial discrimination.
Interesting Fact - Did you know that the Black Lives Matter movement started in 2013, but grew much bigger with the death of George Floyd in 2020?
When we read history books, we learn about Columbus finding America, but future generations will learn about the year 2020. While 2020 had it's flaws, we all still found a way to continue on with life, and make 2020 a memorable year!
What do you think was the most impactful event of 2020? Vote here!